I am as disgusted as most of you are to hear and read unsustainable fake orations about building and leading successful teams! I am even more disgusted when these orations ...
People I met in business (and life) taught me precious lessons; they still do. Most of them do not realize it. But I keep their sayings (and examples) as “lighthouses” ...
Great leaders are not made by record sales or size of companies they lead or even lifetime-complicated mergers & acquisitions. They are made by successful transformation achievements that have got ...
One of the most difficult tasks for a teenager (remember yourselves) is that of breaking eggs to prepare an omelet. Still, although we get to know how to break eggs ...
… not what immediately comes to mind, I’m afraid. Prosperous sales reps of the old times were polished marionettes of “always perfect”, “everything you wish for”, “only the best”, “yes, ...
No need to wonder. It’s, first and most of all, your fears that might kill your career. Behind every decision or no decision, a fear is hidden. A fear to ...
GenX, Baby Boomers get alert! The world around us is dramatically, constantly and unexpectedly changing. The way we used to do things is not valid any more. The way our ...
A couple of years ago, a Chinese lady I had only met once, gave me one of the most valuable lessons I ever attained. Her incredible life story presented in ...
Toxic gases can poison our organism. Toxic employees can poison a whole organization. Toxic working environments can demotivate hundreds of employees. Toxic manners can destroy a company’s prosperous future. Toxic ...
Are you dreaming of a really successful career? Are you struggling with all odds to make the next big step? Are you passionately willing to make a sustainable change in ...